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The Sims 4: How to get more Influence Points fast


To make your neighborhood green, you need to convince townies to follow your lead. To do that, you need as many Influence Points as you can get.

You can spend Influence Points to convince other Sims to vote for a particular NAP, support a politician of your choice, and more.

How do you get Influence Points in The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle?

The easiest and fastest way to get more Influence in The Sims 4 is to interact with townies in a friendly manner. Be nice, compliment them, give out gifts, donate money, and make yourself likable.

Handmade gifts and items you crafted using the Fabricator are very appreciated. You’ll get lots of Influence Points every time you give your neighbors handmade gifts and Eco-Upgrade Parts.

Being friendly is not the only way to get Influence Points. Here’s what else you can do to increase your influence in the neighborhood.

Join NAPs

If a NAP is already in place, join the activities. Mingle with your neighbors, and act according to the NAP in place.

Follow the NAP guidelines and you’ll earn extra Influence Points.

⇒ Quick Tip:

  • Did you know you can disable NAP voting for NPCs? No NAPS will be enacted unless you have your Sims vote for them.

Increase your reputation and fame

Sims that have an Excellent reputation will get additional Influence Points. To increase your reputation, level up your Charisma skill, and use friendly interactions.

Compliment other Sims, hug them, and don’t be afraid to make new friends.

You can get more Influence Points simply by being famous.

Mentor other Sims

Once you’ve maxed out a skill, you can purchase the Mentor trait from the Rewards Store and mentor other Sims. Use the Mentor interaction to help other Sims improve their skills.

You can mentor Sims in gardening, fitness, painting, writing, chess, and playing the piano, the guitar, or the violin.

Be active on social media

Make sure to constantly post on Social Bunny and Simstagram to increase your followership.

The larger your followership, the more Influence Points you’ll get.

Hosts parties and invite Sims over

If you prefer face-to-face interactions, host parties and invite Sims over. Use the calendar, create an event, and invite all your friends over.

Decorate your house for the event, cook or order tasty food, and hire a bartender to ensure your guests are happy.

Go to festivals and events

If you own Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, or City Living, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to attend various festivals.

You can attend the Finchwick Fair, the Romance Festival, The Spice Festival, Geekcon, The Festival of Snow, you name it.

Participate in group activities, mingle with the crowd, make new friends, and gain more Influence Points.

Join the Civil Designer Career

If you really want to revamp your neighborhood, pursue a Civil Designer career. This career path lets you become the architect of your neighborhood.

You can also build new eco-friendly machines that will make the area green. For example, you can build a Smog Vacuum to clean the air.

Create clubs

If you own Get Together, you can create clubs that focus on a specific activity. For example, you can create a gardening club to tend community gardens.

The members of a green club tend to vote for green NAPs. That’s another handy way to ensure you get enough support for the NAPs you want to get enacted.

Give speeches and join protests

If you’re pursuing a career in Politics, you’ll get Influence Points every time you give a speech. The same is valid when you join protests.

Active citizenship will bring you lots of Influence Points in The Sims 4.

What cheats can I use to get more Influence Points in The Sims 4?

You can use cheats to get more Influence Points. Press Shift, Ctrl, and C, and type in testingcheats on. Then, Shift-click on your mailbox and select Influence Points.

The game will give 15 Influence Points every time you Shift-click on your mailbox and select this option.

How can I spend Influence Points in The Sims 4?

You can spend Influence Points to convince your neighbors to vote for a particular NAP. Click on a Sim and select Convince to Support NAP. Then select the NAP you want them to vote for.

However, using Influence Points to convince other Sims to support a particular NAP doesn’t guarantee they’ll do so.

If you want to be more convincing, you have to be friends with them. You have higher chances of convincing friends to support a particular cause than Sims you’ve rarely interacted with.

You can also use Influence Points to revamp community spaces. Turn them into community gardens if you want to make the neighborhood green and lower its eco-footprint.

Happy Simming!

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