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Can Sims Figure Out They Are in a Simulation?

The Sims 4 is the most popular real-life simulation game in the world. Players get to watch their Sims grow up, and experience childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and then old age.

The game is highly addictive and fun to play – there’s no doubt about that.

But there is one question that’s on many players’ minds.

Can Sims figure out they are in a simulation?

The Sims are not self-aware, they are individual computer programs powered by code. They cannot determine on their own if they’re in a simulation or not. The only way they can find out they’re part of a simulation game is by being told so.

Sims in The Sims 4 are powered by some form of A.I. that’s for sure. Perhaps the most solid evidence of that is the Free Will feature.

Players can tell their Sims what to do but they will immediately stop whenever there’s an element that interferes with that activity.

For example, you may tell your Sim to write a song but they will stop when nature’s calling and they really need to go to the bathroom.

Then, there’s this specific behavior whereby Sims seem to interact with the players whenever they need something.

If you ask them to go someplace but the path is blocked, they will automatically scream and wave upwards as if they were trying to get your attention.

This seems to indicate they somehow know there is someone watching them. Moreover, they seem to be aware ‘that someone‘ can do things for them and care for their needs.

Think about what your Sims usually do when they’re hungry or sleepy. They try to get your attention and tell you they need to eat or go to sleep.

They somehow want to interact with their creator.

The philosophical conundrums of Sims 4

There is a series of questions one needs to ask before being able to give a clear answer on whether the Sims are aware they’re in a simulation or not.

How can Sims know they’re in a simulation?

If we assume that Sims can emulate thinking, at one point they might ask themselves if they’re in a simulation. But the only way they could know for sure is via a code.

But if that was the case, they would have been told they were part of a simulation. There is a big difference between knowing and being told something.

Do Sims have any senses that allow them to know for sure they’re in a simulation?

The Sims are actually individual computer programs powered by code. They do not have any senses or highly intelligent algorithms that would allow them to ‘sense’ they’re in a simulation.

Can Sims become self-aware?

Sims can interact with their environment in a limited manner and this may indicate they have a limited form of consciousness in making decisions. However, Sims don’t have any sense of self, therefore they cannot become self-aware.

The bottom line is that it’s impossible for Sims to determine for sure they’re in a simulation unless they haven’t been told so. If that was the case, they would not have figured that out by themselves.

Players suggest their Sims figured out they were in a simulation

There’s an interesting tweet from Jonny Sun that’s very intriguing. He said he had sent his Sims to university, they all became computer scientists and proved they were living in a simulation.

the sims simulation awareness

However, EA has not issued any comments on this, so we don’t have any official explanation as to why such an event would occur in the game.


The chances of your Sims being aware they’re in a simulation are zero. Sims are game characters powered by code. They only know what has already been defined in the code.

They are not self-aware and cannot ask themselves questions such as “Who am I?”, ‘Where am I?” or ” Am I living in a simulation?”.

What’s your take on this? Let me know in the comments below.

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