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How to get Sims to leave your house in The Sims 4

fix sims won't leave sims 4

Sims are always glad to receive visits from their friends. If they’re throwing a party, random Sims are also welcome – the more, the merrier. But after a while, you may notice that some Sims like your house so much that they decide to stick around.

The problem is that if you use the Ask to leave interaction, the game says they already leaving.

If you’re looking for a way to get these stubborn Sims to leave your house, we got you covered.

Useful solutions to get Sims to leave your house

We’ll divide this guide into several sections depending on the profile of the Sim who refuses to leave your house. But first, we’ll answer a very hot question.

How do I get someone to leave my house in Sims 4? You have three quick interaction options at your disposal to get unwanted Sims to leave your house. Open the interaction panel and select one of these three options: Ask To Leave, Go Away, or Go Home.

The Go Home option is the most efficient one, there are no questions asked and no hard feelings.

sims 4 send home option

But apart from these quick interactions, there are other tips and tricks you can use to get rid of unwanted Sims. This is because these interactions may not always be available.

Guests won’t leave my house

Keep in mind that the Sims you have interacted with on your home lot may stick around for a few more hours after you finished the interaction. But they should be gone by the end of the day.

Have a little patience.

Nonetheless, things are a bit more complicated if they’re staying in your house.

The solution

  1. Add the Sim that won’t leave to your list of contacts.
  2. Go to a public place and find a bench. It could be a park or some random place in the neighborhood.
  3. Click on the bench and select Chat with. Here comes the funny part.
  4. Select the problematic Sim from the list and hit OK.
  5. This action should remove them from the house or home lot and bring them to your current location.
  6. Mission accomplished, you can return home and just leave them there.

Alternatively, you can use the Go Home option. Of course, you can select Ask for leave as well but your guests will look offended and that’s bad for storytelling.

How to get random Sims to leave your house

There are times (thankfully, very rare) when random Sims land on your home lot. They come out of nowhere or some of them are friends of a friend.

The solution

  1. Have your Sim chat with the random Sim.
  2. Then go to any community lot you want.
  3. Open the Stories Panel (bottom left of the screen).
  4. Select the Relationship Panel (top of the screen).
  5. Select the Socialize option to call that random Sim over. They’ll immediately come to your current location thus leaving the house.

One way to prevent random Sims from coming to your house or home lot is to use the Private Dwelling lot trait. The downside is that this trait keeps your family and friends out too if they don’t permanently live in the house.

NPCs won’t leave the house

The same bug can involve NPCs. Since these are non-playable characters, there’s not much that you can do to control them.

It’s not uncommon for townies that have the Always Welcome trait to invade your Sim’s house.

We’re going to use a similar strategy to get them out of the house.

The solution

  1. Go to the Relationship Panel, and start a social relationship with the NPC. Try to select one that’s likely to engage them.
  2. Then create an event with them that takes part in another part of the neighborhood or town. Be persuasive and don’t let them say ‘No’.
  3. The NPC should respawn in the other part of the neighborhood or town.

Alternatively, use the Go Home interaction to send unwanted NPCs away with no hard feelings.

You can use the same methods to get a vampire to leave your house. The same solutions apply if Santa won’t leave the house. Your Sims will thank you.

Sims won’t leave the house after a party

Sometimes, after the party’s over, some stubborn Sims simply won’t go away.

The solution

  • Become friends with that Sim (if you haven’t done that already), hit Travel, go to another location and call them over. Go back home after they respawn to the new location.
  • Use the Go Home interaction. It’s perfect for multiple visitors.

How to get friends and neighbors to leave

If one of your friends or neighbors came over to your house but just won’t leave, lure them outside and lock the door. Well, that may not be the perfect method, but at least you’ll get them outside the house.

Keep in mind that some may still hang around on your property.

Another solution to nicely get rid of Sims is to use the Goodbye option which is available in the Friendly section.

Additionally, check if the “Ask to Leave” interaction is available. And if it is, use it but keep in mind the unwanted Sims will get a bit upset. To avoid that, use the Go Home option.

Another option is to simply get that Sim so angry that they’ll leave by themselves. Insult them, tell bad words to them and get them angry.

Of course, use this method only if you don’t care too much about the relationship your Sim has with the unwanted Sims.

How to get a ghost to leave your house

Other Sims 4 players complained they’re having trouble getting ghosts out of their houses. Rest assured, you’re not the only one experiencing this problem.

This glitch is actually more common than you may think.

The solution

  • Select a Sim living in the same household as your ghost Sim.
  • Select the ghost Sim’s tombstone or urn.
  • Then select the option that allows you to return them to the realm where they belong.

⇒ Don’t Miss Out: The Sims 4 Paranormal: Where Are the Haunted Houses?

Retired Sims won’t leave the house

Playing retired Sims is not as fun as playing young Sims. That’s why many gamers would rather see their retired Sims out of the house. But some stubborn Sims may decide to just stick around for longer.

The solution

To fix this glitch, simply reset your Sim. Type resetSim Firstname Lastname and hit Enter. Or you can help them meet their creator faster.


To get unwanted Sims to leave your house in The Sims 4, use one of these three options: Ask To Leave, Go Away, or Go Home. Or travel to a different location and ask the problematic Sims to come over and just leave them there.

Do unwanted Sims often show up on your home lot? On a scale from 1 to 10, rate just how annoying this glitch is for you.

By the way, if you found other ways to get rid of unwanted Sims, share your ideas in the comments below.


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