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Elden Ring: Sorceries vs Incantations [Differences explained]


Elden Ring players can cast a variety of spells that can deal severe damage to enemies. Some of these spells are called sorceries, while others are called incantations. So, what’s the difference between these two magical abilities? Let’s find out!

⇒ Long Story Short:


  • Known for hitting harder.
  • Have greater range and speed.
  • Typically focus on offensive damage.
  • Require a staff or wand as a catalyst.
  • Scale in power with the Intelligence attribute.
  • Mostly deal magic damage.
  • Limited physical and fire damage options.


  • Include buffs, weapon enchants, heals, status cleansers, and stealth.
  • Offer versatility and variety in abilities.
  • Use a talisman as the casting catalyst.
  • Scale in power with the Faith attribute.
  • Include various damage types, such as fire, lightning, holy, physical, and more.
  • Provide a wide range of status effects like cold, bleed, poison, rot, frenzy, and blight.
  • Offer a mix of single target and area-of-effect (AoE) damage.

Let’s get into the details!

Differences between Sorceries and Incantations in Elden Ring

Sorceries use Intelligence, while Incantations use Faith.

Most Sorceries are offensive, focusing on dealing as much damage as possible over a large area. They are predominantly ranged spells, allowing you to target and damage enemies from a distance. This makes them ideal for long-range combat.

On the other hand, Incantations focus more on short-range targeted damage. Some incantations involve close-quarters combat or provide protection, in addition to ranged attacks.

Sorceries use a Staff or Wand as a catalyst, while Incantations require a Sacred Seal.

Sorceries are extremely powerful and generally consume more FP than Incantations.

Incantations have pyromancies and Sorceries have meteors.

Sorceries cover various effects, including offensive damage and utility. Incations feature effects such as healing, buffing, and offensive abilities.

Sorceries cover a broad spectrum of effects, including offensive spells for dealing damage to enemies, as well as utility spells for manipulating the environment or enemies.

Sorceries look way cooler than Incantations.

Incantations don’t track enemies.

Certain starting classes such as the Prisoner or the Confessor can cast spells right from the beginning of the game. If you’re focusing on a Magic-based build, you can select one of these two hybrid classes.

By the way, spell damage varies depending on weather. For example, rain can reduce the efficiency of fire spells.

both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on your preferred playstyle and the specific abilities you want to use in the game.

Both sorceries and incantation have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on your preferred playstyle and the specific abilities you want to use in the game.

What magical abilities do you use on a regular basis? What’s the most powerful spell you’ve cast so far? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Updated in November 2023 to include new info and more details.

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