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Elden Ring: List of Fire spells and their effect

elden ring list of fire spells

There are plenty of spells you can use in Elden Ring to defeat enemies and bosses. Fire spells can deal massive damage and help you take out enemies within seconds. To increase fire incantation damage, you can also use Sacred Seals. Keep in mind that rain and water reduce Fire damage. If it’s raining outside, your Fire spells will deal less Fire damage.

Let’s explore what Fire spells you can use in Elden Ring and their effect.

List of Fire spells available in Elden Ring

Fire Spell Effect Where to get
Aspect of the Crucible: Breath Creates a throat pouch that spew fire while your character’s walking.
Kill Rykard, the Lord of Blasphemy boss, and loot it off his corpse. Additionally, kill Tanith as she’s eating Rykards Corpse. Ker Knight will then attack you. Kill him and loot the Aspect off the Knight’s corpse.
Black Flame Throws a ball of black fire that you can charge for additional damage and make it explode on impact. This spell continues to deal damage after hitting the target. Purchase it from Brother Corhyn.
Catch Flame Sets your enemies on fire during combat. You can only use it on enemies within range.
The Prophet Class possesses this incantation by default. You can also buy it from Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold for 600 Runes.
Dragonfire Conjures a dragon head that spews fire.
The Church of Dragon Communion or the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.
Fire’s Deadly Sin This incantation sets the area around the caster ablaze with raging flames. It also sets your character ablaze. Windmill Heights.
Flame of Fell God Releases a fireball that floats toward enemies and explodes above them, setting the whole area ablaze. Kill Adan, the Thief of Fire in Liurnia of the Lakes. Loot it off his corpse.
Flame of Frenzy Conjures multiple flames that travel forward targeting your enemies. Get it from the Callu Baptismal Church, Weeping Peninsula.
Flame Sling Throws fireballs at enemies. Charge this incantation to make it more powerful and cause the fireballs to explode. Buy it from Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold for 800 Runes.
Flame, Fall Upon Them! Hurls multiple balls of fire simultaneously at your enemies. Get it from Brother Corhyn, or Miriel the Pastor of Vows.
Giantsflame, Take Thee! Throw a massive ball of fire that you can charge to cause it to explode.
Buy it from Brother Corhyn, or Miriel the Pastor of Vows after giving them the Giant’s Prayerbook.
Surge, O Flame! Creates a stream of fire that burns everything before the caster. You can use it in motion and hold it to maintain its effect. Purchase from Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows.
Whirl, O Flame! This incantation sweeps the area before the caster with a ranging stream of fire.
Buy it from Brother Corhyn, or Miriel the Pastor of Vows after giving them the Giant’s Prayerbook.

What’s your favorite Fire spell in Elden Ring? How many enemies did you take out using it? Let me know in the comments below.

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