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Elden Ring: Should I kill the Giant Jar?


Elden Ring players will encounter an intriguing Giant Pot in Caelid after exiting the Deep Siofra Well. This NPC is known as the Great-Jar. He doesn’t say a word but summons three knights that you need to take out in order to unlock the Great-Jar’s Arsenal.

How do I kill the Great Jar in Elden Ring?

You don’t need to kill the Great Jar in Elden Ring. What you need to do instead is kill the three knights he summons. But before you take on them, make sure to level up your stats and stock up on your flasks. They’re strong enemies. You need to defeat all three knights before you can talk to the Great Jar and unlock the Great-Jar’s Arsenal.

If you go to a Site of Grace after killing only one or two of them, they’ll respawn next time you return to talk to the the Great-Jar.

How to kill the Knights of the Great-Jar

Each knight has a different build. This means they have different gimmicks and resistances to magic and physical damage. You can’t use the same strategy on all of them. You need to adapt your weapons and approach depending on their particular strengths and weaknesses. Use spells and talismans that allows you to inflict extra damage.


The key is defeating the three Knights of the Great Jar is to deliver your strongest assault right after they show up. They carry HP-restoring flasks. The idea is to make them stagger and then deliver the final blow as quickly as possible. If you don’t move fast, you’re out.

Bait the knights to fall of the cliff edge

The quickest way to defeat the Knights of the Great Jar is to bait them to fall off the edge of the nearby cliffs. After luring them to come to the edge of the cliff, step on the branch hanging off the cliff. Force them to come after you and they should quickly fall to their death.

Make sure not to slip off the branch or cliff yourself. The fall damage you’ll take is strong enough to kill you.

After defeating these three knights, talk to the Great-Jar, and he’ll give you the Great-Jar’s Arsenal. You can use it to boost your maximum equipment load and move faster when carrying heavy armor.

And now you know.

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