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How to find aliens in disguise in The Sims 4


Alien Sims can disguise themselves if they don’t want other Sims to see their alien form. Putting on a human disguise is not required. But a Sim may choose to hide their alien form to keep other Sims from figuring out who they really are.

Unfortunately, there have been many episodes where the partner of an alien Sim divorced them when they “discovered” their spouse belonged to a different life form. Normal Sims often react negatively to undisguised aliens.

That’s why putting on a human disguise has become second nature to many alien Sims.

There’s also a loud minority of Sims 4 players that really hate non-human Sims. Well, to each their own.

Here are some handy tips to sniff alien Sims.

How to discover aliens in disguise in The Sims 4

Look for traits that are obviously non-human

The disguise that alien Sims use is top-notch but not perfect. There may be some occasional telltale signs that suggest a Sim could be an alien. For example, they may have little glitches on their skin.

Alien Sims can develop a glowing aura sometimes. If they get into a very emotional state such as very happy, very flirty, and so on, they will glow green, pink, yellow, and so on.

Simply get them in a “Very [X] Mood” and they’ll glow the mood’s color.

Scientists have greater chances of meeting aliens

If your Sim is pursuing a career in science, they have pretty good chances of encountering aliens in disguise. Try to figure out who the alien is.

Aliens often abduct scientists in the game.

⇒ Quick Tip:

Woohoo with them

One of the best ways to find out if a Sim is an alien is to woohoo with them. Aliens reveal their true colors (pun intended) after woohooing.

By the way, if your Sims aren’t too eager to woohoo, use this quick guide to solve the problem.

Use the X-Ray machine

If your Sim is pursuing a Doctor career, use the X-Ray machine and scan the Sims you suspect could be aliens. They may fool you, but they can’t fool the machine.

Do the secret alien handshake

If you have an alien Sim, you can do a secret handshake with other alien Sims. You can use this trick to identify aliens in disguise.

When there’s an alien around, the secret handshake interaction will become available.

⇒ Fun Fact:

If a Sim figures out that another Sim is actually an alien in disguise, the alien can erase that Sim’s memory. After that, they can simply go about their day pretending to be a normal Sim again.

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

By the way, teenagers can get abducted by aliens in The Sims 4.

What do you think about alien Sims? Like them, hate them? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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