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Elden Ring: Quick Ways to Replenish Focus Points [FP]


In Elden Ring, Focus Points are a crucial resource that governs your ability to cast spells and use various character skills and abilities. FP functions as your energy reserve for performing these actions.

If you’re running out of Focus Points in Elden Ring, you won’t be able to cast spells or use your character’s skills properly. The solution is to replenish your FP quickly.

Think of FP as the energy required to cast spells or use skills. Each spell or skill requires a certain amount of FP to use. But how do you restore FP quickly? Let’s find out!

How do I replenish FP fast in Elden Ring?

Rest at a Site of Grace

To replenish FP in Elden Ring, go to a Site of Grace and rest there. Resting at a Site of Grace will replenish HP as pretty fast. However, the downside to using this method is that your enemies will immediately respawn.

Use Cerulean Tears and talismans to restore FP

You can also use special consumables items and talismans of the Cerulean category to quickly restore FP.

Use a Flask of Cerulean Tears

You can use a Flask of Cerulean Tears to increase FP. Use the Cerulean Seed Talisman to boost FP restoration from the Flask of Cerulean Tears. You can also use Golden Seeds to upgrade your Flask of Cerulean Tears and use this item more often.

Use the Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger

Using the Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger to deal critical damage to your opponent, automatically restores your FP. The dagger is dropped by the Black Knife Assassin boss found in Black Knife Catacombs in Liurnia of the Lakes region.

Use Starlight Shards

You can use Starlight Shards to gradually recover FP. Your character can hold up to 10 Starlight Shards, and store up to 999. You can find Starlight Shards behind The Shaded Castle, on the cliffs on the east side of Liurnia of the Lakes,  at the top of Mt. Gelmir, or at the edge of the cliff in Stormhill.

How to boost your maximum Focus Points

Add points to Mind

You can also add points to Mind to increase your FP amount when leveling up. You can spend Runes to level up Mind after meeting Melina at the beginning of the game.

To obtain Runes, you need to defeat enemies and bosses. You can also use the Fringefolk’s Rune in exchange for a fixed number of runes.

Use the Cerulean Amber Medallion

The Cerulean Amber Medallion can increase your max FP amount. The upgraded versions of the talisman have the same effect.

How to allocate FP

You have the freedom to allocate earned FP to the attributes that best suit your playstyle. For example, if you prefer melee combat, you can invest in strength and vitality, while a mage character would benefit from investing in intelligence and faith.

You can use FP to enhance various attributes of your character. These attributes include:

  • Strength: Increases your physical power, affecting your melee damage.
  • Dexterity: Enhances your agility and precision, influencing ranged and finesse combat.
  • Vitality: Boosts your overall health and resilience, making you more durable in battles.
  • Intelligence: Improves your magical abilities and spellcasting effectiveness.
  • Faith: Strengthens your faith-based abilities and miracles.


To replenish your FP faster in Elden Ring you need to rest at a Site of Grace. You can also use Cerulean Tears, Starlight Shards, and Cerulean talismans to restore FP. The Assassin’s Cerulean Dagger talisman can help you restore FP faster.

You can also add points to Mind and use the Cerulean Amber Medallion to increase your max FP amount.

It’s essential to keep an eye on your FP gauge during gameplay. When your FP is depleted, you won’t be able to cast spells or use skills until it’s replenished.

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Updated in November 2023 to include new info and more details.

Thanks, Not Ted Bundy for your feedback! Much appreciated.

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