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How many map areas are there in Elden Ring?


Elden Ring features a really huge map called Lands Between that’s perfect for fast-paced action. You’ve got hills, mountains, forests, swamps, cities, you name it. Let’s explore the main areas of the Elden Ring map.

How big is the map in Elden Ring?

The Elden Ring map includes 14 different regions. In order to see the full map for each region, first, you need to get your hands on a map fragment.

You can find map fragments near the pillars that have glowing text on them. They’re usually located on roadsides.

Here’s a brief overview of the main map areas in Elden Ring.

  1. Academy of Raya Lucaria: A major location in Liurnia known for its focus on sorcery and magic.
  2. Ainsel River: An underground area characterized by its dark, eerie environment.
  3. Altus Plateau: Higher elevation region with varied landscapes.
  4. Caelid: A desolate area with a distinct red hue and challenging enemies.
  5. Castle Morne: A smaller, isolated castle located in a unique area.
  6. Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow: A region home to dragons and rugged terrain.
  7. Leyndell, Royal Capital: The large, central city filled with intricate pathways and formidable foes.
  8. Limgrave: The starting region, featuring a mix of forests, castles, and open fields.
  9. Liurnia of the Lakes: Known for its large lake and diverse landscapes.
  10. Roundtable Hold: A hub area for players, not a traditional map area for exploration.
  11. Siofra River: Another underground area, mystical and serene.
  12. Stormhill: An extension of Limgrave, leading up to Stormveil Castle.
  13. Stormveil Castle: One of the game’s first major castles and challenges.
  14. Weeping Peninsula: A southern extension of Limgrave, with its own challenges and landscapes.

Elden Ring map fragment locations

You can find map fragments at the following locations:

  • West Lingrave
  • East Lingrave
  • Weeping Penninsula
  • Caelid
  • Dragonbarrow
  • East Liurnia
  • North Liurnia
  • West Liurnia
  • Altus Plateau
  • Mt. Gelmir
  • Leyndell, Royal Capital
  • West Mountaintops of the Giants
  • East Mountaintops of the Giants
  • Siofra River

Take a look at the Elden Ring map below.

elden ring map areas
Source: WhiteGriffon10 via Reddit

Players will start the game from the bottom of the map and work their way upwards and explore Limgrave, Stormhill, Stormveil Castle, Mistwood
Weeping Peninsula, Liurnia of the Lakes, and so on.

The Elden Ring map also includes many other interesting areas such as underground areas, and snowy mountain areas. You can take a look at the Elden Ring capital map below.


Elden Ring boss locations

There are countless bosses that you need to annihilate. Here’s where you can find them on the Elden Ring map.

Boss locations in Limgrave

Limgrave Map Location Boss Name
Coastal Cave Demi-Human Chiefs
Stormfoot Catacombs Burial Tree Watchdog
Groveside Cave Beastman of Farum Azula
Limgrave Tunnels Stonedigger Troll
Murkwater Catacombs Grave Warden Duelist
Agheel River Bloody Finger Nerijus
Murkwater Cave Patches
Highroad Cave Guardian Golem
Deathtouched Catacombs Black Knife Assassin
Colosseum Road Recusant Henricus
Waypoint Ruins Mad Pumpkin Head
Highway Bridge Night’s Cavalry
Church Of Elleh Road Tree Sentinel
Agheel Lake Flying Dragon Agheel
Summonwater Village Tibia Mariner
Smoldering Church Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater
Forlorn Hound Evergaol Bloodhound Knight Darriwil
Stormhill Evergaol Crucible Knight
Warmaster’s Shack Bell Bearing Hunter
Fringefolk Hero’s Grave Ulcerated Tree Spirit
Stormveil Castle Crucible Knight, Grafted Scion,  Margit, The Fell Omen, Godrick The Grafted

Boss location in Weeping Peninsula

Weeping Peninsula Map Location Boss Name
Impaler’s Catacombs Burial Tree Watchdog
Earthbore Cave Runebear
Castle Morne Rampart Night’s Cavalry
Castle Morne Outskirts Deathbird
Tombsward Catacombs Cemetary Shade
Minor Erdtree Erdtree Avatar
Morne Tunnel Scaly Misbegotten
Weeping Evergaol Ancient Hero Of Zamor
Castle Morne Leonine Misbegotten

To make your task easier, identify and exploit their weaknesses. Then, use a Strength-based weapon to send them flying.

What do you think about the Elden Ring map? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Updated in November 2023 to include new info and more details.

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