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Elden Ring: How to become overpowered early in the game


Did you know that you can level up your Elden Ring character early in the game without killing any bosses? All you need to do is explore specific locations and collect key consumable items and upgrade materials.

This route has been optimized by Alex from Boomstick Gaming.

How can I become overpowered early in Elden Ring?

To become overpowered early in Elden Ring, you need to collect all the Golden Runes and Smithing Stones scattered around in Limgrave, Stormhill, and Liurnia of the Lakes. After finding three Sites of Grace, talk to Melina and accept her offer.

Then, go to the Church of Marika and pick up the Sacred Tear, Crimson Crystal Tear, and Flask of Wondrous Physick.

After that, go to the Roundtable Hold, and consume the Sacred Tears to get more Flasks of Crimson Tears that will help you restore HP fast in combat.

Then, talk to the blacksmith and upgrade your weapon. Talk to the Twin Maiden Husks and buy all the items they sell.

How to get overpowered early in Elden Ring

  1. Go to  the Church of Elleh
  2. Collect the Golden Runes from outside the church
  3. Then, go inside the church, and collect the Smithing Stones
  4. Head to the Lost Grace Site
  5. Go north-east until you reach the Gatefront Ruins
  6. Pick up the Limgrave West Map
  7. Then, rest at the Agheel Lake North Site of Grace
  8. Accept Melina’s accord to unlock the Spectral Steed Whistle
  9. Head south-east and pick up a Smithing Stone, and some Golden Runes
  10. Go back to the Agheel Lake North Site of Grace
  11. Head north-west, enter Stormhill, and collect the Golden Seed from that glowing tree
  12. Avoid the wolf ambush and rest at the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace
  13. Jump on the platforms nearby and pick up the Stonesword Key
  14. Talk to Roderika to unlock the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes
  15. Fast travel to Stormhill Shack
  16. Go south-east and pick more Smithing Stones and a Strength-knot Crystal Tear
  17. Head south and loot more Golden Runes off the graves
  18. Go south-east to the statue of the glowing center
  19. Trick one of the giants into smashing the statue for you, and pick up the Smithing Stones
  20. Head north-east until you reach the Saintsbridge Site of Grace
  21. Pick the Smithing Stone from the bridge
  22. Head east, and then south-east; you’ll need to keep dropping off cliffs
  23. Go south-east until you reach the Third Church of Marika
  24. Pick up the Sacred Tear, Crimson Crystal Tear, and Flask of Wondrous Physick
  25. Rest at the Third Church of Marika Site of Grace
  26. Go back to the Stormhill Shack
  27. Head north on the main path, and then go right until you reach Liurnia of the Lakes Site of Grace
  28. Go to the nearby church and pick up the Sacred Tear
  29. Then, talk to NPC you’ll find there and buy some spells if you want to
  30. You can now rest at the Liurnia of the Lakes Site of Grace
  31. Talk to Melina and accept her invitation to the Roundtable Hold
  32. Consume the Sacred tears to get more Flasks of Crimson Tears that will restore your HP when need be
  33. Find the Blacksmith, talk to him and use all the Runes and Smithing Stones you collected to upgrade your weapon
  34. Then, talk to the Twin Maiden Husks, and buy all four items they sell: Lone Wolf Ashes, Spirit Calling Bell, White Cipher Ring, and Blue Cipher Ring; you can use them to summon spirits to help you in combat
  35. Go back to the Blacksmith and Roderika and exhaust their dialog lines: Roderika becomes your Spirit Tuner and levels up your summons
  36. Fast travel to the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace and collect the Golden Seed
  37. Go back to the Church of Elleh, talk to Santa and upgrade your armor

Mission accomplished! You managed to level up your character without killing any enemies or bosses.

⇒ Quick Tip:

You can use the Twinned Armor set to get overpowered early in the game. It’s one of the strongest early armor sets that you can get in Elden Ring.

Source: Boomstick Gaming

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