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Elden Ring: Gravity spells bring enemies closer to you


Not many Elden Ring players use Gravity spells on a regular basis. But they’re extremely handy. You can use Gravity spells to bring the target closer to the caster and deal massive damage to their HP. For example, you can cast Gravity spells to pull enemies off ledges to their death. However, these spells won’t yank big enemies. They’re pretty much useless against giant creatures.

Let’s explore what Gravity spells you can cast in Elder Ring, and where you can find them.

List of Gravity spells to cast in Elden Ring

Gravity Spell Effect Get it from
Collapsing Stars Fires many gravity projectiles that pull enemies toward the caster when hit • Go to the War-Dead Catacombs

• Open the chest located in the room where all the knights are fighting

Gravity Well Fires a gravity projectile that pulls enemies closer to the caster when hit • Get it from the Church of the Cuckoo or Schoolhouse Classroom in Raya Lucaria Academy
•  Loot it off the Monolith Guardian’s corpse
Rock Sling • Pulls rocks from the earth and sends them flying at enemies
• You can cast this spell while in motion
You can find this spell in a chest located in an underground cellar north of the Street of Sages Ruins

Learn more about the Gravity Well spell

The Gravity Well spell allows you to pulls enemies in from a distance. They’ll also begin to stagger which reduces their attack force. However, pay attention when casting this spell. It can sometimes pull in too many enemies resulting in you getting surrounded mobs of angry enemies. Another downside is that this spell can be slow to fire.

It’s extremely difficult for enemies to dodge the effects of the Gravity Well spell.

Learn more about the Rock Sling spell

The Rock Sling spell deals a fair amount of damage to enemies, and is relatively fast to cast. It has a low cost, and the projectiles can track the targets.

You can efficiently use this spell against AI invaders. They tend to roll when you cast. They’ll be completely off-guard when the rocks start flying at them.

Many players confirmed that the Rock Sling spell is more efficient than the Meteorite spell which is supposed to be better.

And now you know!

⇒ Learn more about casting spells in Elden Ring:

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