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The Sims 4: Turn Rental Units Into Hotels and Retirement Homes


The Sims 4: For Rent expansion pack introduces an exciting feature called Residential Rentals. This new lot type allows players to build individual units and rent them out. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the creative possibilities that residential units bring to the game.

Building Rental Units

To kick things off, designate a lot as a Residential Rental. Once the lot is set up, you’re ready to build rental units within it.

Go to Build/Buy mode, and build separate living spaces within the lot. These can range from cozy apartments to spacious penthouses, each with its unique design.

Consider adding essential amenities like kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms to make these units functional and appealing.

Use the Unit Configuration tool to designate individual units and shared spaces.Sims-4-For-Rent-Units

Set the rent price for each unit, taking into account the quality of the living space and the amenities provided.

Build a Hotel-Like Experience

With the Residential Rentals feature, you can create a hotel-like experience in The Sims 4.

You have the flexibility to rent out units for short durations, creating a bustling atmosphere as Sims come and go.

This opens up new storytelling possibilities, from vacation stays to business trips within your virtual neighborhood.

Build Retirement Homes

You can use Residential Rentals to build retirement homes for elderly Sims.

Create a serene environment with communal spaces, recreation areas, and all the necessary facilities for an ideal retirement setting.

Set the mood by adding calming decor and landscaping.

After building your retirement home, select only elderly tenants. You may also need to hire a cleaning service or a maid if you don’t want to take care of everything yourself.

Managing Tenants

Keep an eye on your rented units, track rent payments, address maintenance issues, and ensure the overall well-being of your virtual residents.

In a Nutshell

The Residential Rentals feature in The Sims 4 introduces a fresh dimension to gameplay. Whether you’re running a bustling hotel or a peaceful retirement community, this update allows for diverse storytelling and creativity.

Enjoy the game!

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