Growing Together adds four new aspirations for children. Under Multi Skills, you can find the following aspirations:
- Slumber Party Animal
- Playtime Captain
- Creative Genius
- Mind and Body
As a quick reminder, the four original child aspirations since base game are:
- Creativity
- Mental
- Motor
- Social
The base game aspirations focus on a particular child skill.
The Multi-Skill aspiration category adds four new aspirations that will shape your kids’ future.
They have mixed interactions and milestones.
As you can see, EA has doubled the number of aspirations that you can choose for children.
Let’s explore what each aspiration entails.
Child aspirations in The Sims: Growing Together
How to complete the Slumber Party Animal aspiration
To complete the Slumber Party aspiration, your child Sim needs to first attend a Slumber Party, tell stories from a sleeping bag, exchange Friendship bracelets with a good friend, and host a Gold Slumber Party event.
Slumber Party aspiration milestones
1. Pajama Wearer
- Attend a Slumber Party
- Achieve Level 3 of the Social skill
2. Storyteller
- Achieve Level 3 of the Creativity skill
- Tell 3 stories from a sleeping bag
- Exchange a Friendship bracelet
3. Host with the Most
- Achieve Gold in a Slumber Party Event
- Achieve Level 6 of the Social skill
- Achieve Level 5 of the Creativity skill
How to complete the Creative Genius aspiration
Toddlers with the Creative Genius aspiration want to level up their creative and mental skills to inspire innovation and play.
Creative Genius milestones
1. Gifted Fledgling
- Play Pretend in a treehouse
- Achieve Level 3 of the Creativity skill
2. Inspired Visionary
- Achieve Level 3 of the Mental skill
- Stargaze
3. Best-in-Class
- Sleep in a treehouse for 6 hours
- Achieve Level 6 of the Creativity skill
- Achieve Level 5 of the Mental skill
After completing the Creative Genius aspiration, your toddler can unlock the Idea Person reward trait.
Sims with this trait focused on a combination of mental and creative skills during their childhood. Due to their efforts, they can now paint, write, program, and write songs faster.
Any writer’s block will also vanish much more quickly.
How to complete the Mind and Body aspiration
To complete the Mind and Body aspiration, your child Sim needs to become Confident, learn how to ride a bike, and control their negative emotions.
Mind and Body aspiration milestones
1. Confident Kiddo
- Become confident
- Achieve Level 3 of the Mental skill
2. Super Bike Tyke
- Achieve Level 3 of the Motor skill
- Learn to ride a bike
3. Master of Control
- Go 12 hours without a negative need moodlet
- Achieve Level 6 of the Mental skill
- Achieve Level 5 of the Motor skill
How to complete the Playtime Captain aspiration
This aspiration is all about having fun, and spending time developing Motor and Social skills.
Playtime Captain aspiration milestones
1. Silly Stomper
- Stomp playfully on the splash pad
- Achieve Level 3 of the Motor skill
2. Talky-Talker
- Achieve Level 3 of the Social skill
- Become friends with three other children
Happy Simming!