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What does donating to charity do in The Sims 4?


The Sims 4 offers you the opportunity to give back to the virtual world through charitable donations. Donating to charity in The Sims 4 can provide a sense of fulfillment to your Sims.

In this post, we will explore how you can donate to charity and the benefits that come with doing so.

What happens when you give to charity in The Sims 4?

Giving to charity will have a positive impact on your Sim’s mood. This will give them a positive moodlet and a sense of satisfaction.

Donating to charitable causes can also increase a Sim’s reputation. This can lead to better social interactions.

But there’s also a downside to having a great reputation. You’ll get random job offers all the time.

How to donate to charity in The Sims 4

The option to donate to charity shows up on the computer once your Sim has reached Level 3 of the Charisma skill.

Sims who possess the Good trait can donate to charity even if they don’t have a Charisma skill level of at least 3. They can donate both by mailbox and computer.

Sims that have the Good trait will occasionally get wants to donate to charity. They may experience feelings of tension if they go for a while without donating to charity.

If the option to give to charity doesn’t show up on the computer, try selling it and then buying another computer.

Host a charity event

Sims with a Pristine reputation can host their own charity events.  That’s a party where you try to get other Sims to donate to a good cause. The goal is to gather a total of 10,000 Simoleons in donations.

Invite as many Sims as possible, and then ask them for a small or a large donation. That’s 500 or 2000 Simoleons.

You can ask the same Sim for another donation after a while. Just give them some space and let them “recharge their wallet” before asking them to donate again.

You can ask for large donations if you want to reach the donation goal faster and you don’t have too many guests.

The rewards for a successful charity event include a reputation and fame boost.

Kids can donate knitted stuff

If you have Nifty Knitting, kids that acquired the Knitting skill can knit beanies or socks and then donate them.

Click on a computer and select the option to donate the items with the Scouting icon.

Happy Simming!

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