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Elden Ring: All you need to know about illusory walls


There are plenty of Illusory Walls in Elden Ring. Illusory walls are found throughout the game’s world. They look like regular walls but can be passed through or disappear when hit or interacted with.

They are often strategically placed to hide secret areas, items, or shortcuts. The locations of these walls are fixed and do not change.

Finding them can be a bit challenging since they’re not immediately obvious. You may walk past one countless times before you realize that’s actually an illusory wall.

Where can I find Illusory Walls in Elden Ring?

Illusory or invisible walls are located in different areas in Elden Ring. The first illusory wall in the game is located in the Academy of Raya Lucaria. It looks like a bookshelf, but it leads to a room where you’ll find a chest containing the Comet Sorcery spell.

You can also find illusory walls in The Sages Cave, above the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, located in the Liurnia of The Lakes area. There’s an illusory wall near the path past the campfire, with another one along the way.

The wall between the two bazaars is actually an illusory wall as well. There are also two illusory walls in the middle of the waterfall with two chests in the middle.

List of illusory wall locations in Elden Ring

Location How to reach Illusory Wall
Academy Crystal Cave
Find the room guarded by a mage wearing a pointy hat. The wall to the left is an illusory wall.
Academy of Raya Lucaria
After the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace, find the room with a bookshelf in it. The bookshelf itself is an illusory wall.
Find the mage guarding a bookshelf with no books. That’s an illusory wall.
Enter the Church of the Cuckoo, the illusory wall is on the right.
Altus Tunnel Find the room with the two bell casters up the stairs. The wall behind them is Illusory.
Black Knife Catacombs Go to the end of the hall, past the knife traps. The last wall is Illusory.
Caelid Catacombs
There are two Illusory walls. The first one is beneath the stairs where the Giant Poison Flower is. The second is behind the pillar in the next room.
Kingsrealm Ruins Go to the Kingsrealm Ruins, hit the large brick wall blocking the path.
Moonfolk Ruins Go to the North-East part of the ruins.
Sage’s Cave
The wall between the two bazaars is Illusory.
Find the waterfall with two chests in the middle. The waterfall walls are Illusory.
There are two Illusory walls on the path past the campfire.
Sealed Tunnel
Go to the lake from the Leyndell Royal Capital. The entrance to the tunnel near the lake is an Illusory wall.
Sealed Tunnel
The three Illusory walls are located between a summoning pool and a fire place, behind a chest, and behind a pile of barrels.
Sellia Hideaway
The entrance is behind an illusionary rock wall. There’s another Illusory wall further down.
Three Sisters Go to the Ruined area, and hit the wall from the West side.
Volcano Manor The Drawing Room hosts several Illusory walls.

How do you open illusory walls in Elden Ring?

To open illusory walls in Elden Ring, start hitting all the nearby walls with your weapon. Hitting illusory walls helps you break the illusion. Behind each illusory wall, there’s a hidden path that leads to a secret place or treasure.

If you’re stuck in a location and there’s no apparent way to progress, this indicates you’re near an illusory wall.

How to spot illusory walls in Elden Ring

The quickest way to spot illusory walls in Elden Ring is to look for a distinct lack of a ledge at the bottom of the catacombs.

Keep an eye out for any walls that seem out of place. If something looks unusual, it’s likely a good indication of an illusory wall. Be sure to explore every nook and cranny of each dungeon you’re in.

Since there are no visual indicators that a wall is illusory, sometimes finding them requires methodically hitting walls in suspicious or hidden areas.

Other players can leave messages on the ground that might hint at the presence of an illusory wall. While some messages can be misleading, they often provide valuable clues.

Illusory Walls are an interesting game mechanic that protects hidden secrets and paths in Elden Ring. They’re tricky to spot. Don’t worry if you walk past them the first time you visit a certain region.

And now you know.

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Updated in November 2023 to include new info and more details.

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