Vampires, werewolves, and Sims that are pursuing a Military career can initiate quick sparring sessions to assess and improve their physical skills in The Sims 4.
How to spar with others in the Military career

If your Sim is in the Military, one of their daily tasks is to spar with other Sims to improve their fitness skill and fighting abilities. You need to complete this task to get promoted and advance in your Military career.
To have your Sim spar with another Sim, go to Friendly interactions, and select the Spar With Others. You can spar with anyone your Sim has a good relationship with.
Keep in mind that you may need to cycle the Friendly menu option more than once for the Spar option to show up. It’s often buried deep into the menu.
You can also spar at the fitness machine.
How to spar with other vampires in Sims 4

If your vampire level is high enough, you can spar with other vampires.
To have your vampire Sim spar with other vampires, go to the Friendly menu and select the Spar option.
You can only spar with vampires of your age group. The Spar option is not available for teenage vampires and vampires of different age groups.
When vampires are sparring, there are bats flying around, and purple shockwaves.
It’s really fun to watch your vampire Sim lifting the other vampire up into the air and throwing them down.
If you have a very tense relationship with another vampire, you can go to the Mean menu and select the Vampiric Duel option. Vampiric duels are not friendly at all.
How to spar with other werewolves in Sims 4

To spar with another werewolf in The Sims, go to the Sparring Grounds located near the Portal Pottys and select Spar with. Then, select the werewolf you want to spar with and do your best to win.
You can also use the Werewolf menu to spar with other werewolves. Anyplace outdoors with plenty of space around it can be turned into a sparring pit.
You need to be acquaintances or friends with the werewolf you want to spar with to use this option.
Your fitness skill plays a crucial part in your werewolf’s sparring ability. You need excellent fitness abilities to win sparring matches.
Don’t worry if your werewolf loses more sparring sessions than they win. Lost sparring sessions still count towards leveling up their fitness skill.
And now you know.