Ready to dive into the wild world of Sims 4 For Rent? Hold on tight as we explore the not-so-glamorous side – the bugs reported by our fellow players. From quirky quirks to downright head-scratchers, we’ve got the lowdown.
⇒ Quick Tip:
- If the For Rent expansion pack is glitchy, try removing your mods, even if you’ve updated them. Clear the cache and repair the game to check if the issue persists.
The Sims 4 For Rent: Bugs, Glitches and Errors
Tenants Invade the Landlord’s Unit
If tenants are often hanging out in the landlord’s unit, that’s more likely a symptom than a glitch. They probably feel it’s cool to drop by due to previous interactions.
If you’ve been throwing out friendly vibes while chasing that 5-star Property Owner aspiration to become good friends with tenants or your Sim has the Friendly trait, that’s likely why your tenants keep crashing your place.
“Commend Tenants” Events Reset When Switching Between Units
The “Commend Tenants” events reset when you switch to a different rental unit or household.
Any progress or tasks already completed are reset as if you’re starting that particular interaction from scratch each time you switch units.
Players Can’t Complain About Shindigs
Players do not get an option to complain about noisy neighbors when they click on their door.
They only have the option to ‘Switch to This household.’
As soon as the party is over, other door options show up, but during the event, only ‘Switch to Household’ is available.
It seems that only the late party event is bugged. For the Wohoo event, the option to complain about the noise is available.
Doors Don’t Go Down With Cutaway Walls
The doors in For Rent apartments do not align properly with cutaway walls.
This glitch was also observed during the For Rent YouTube livestream on December 1st.
This has been a persistent bug for 17 months with no sign of a fix.
It’s a highly annoying glitch that currently impacts four expansions: City Living, Eco-Lifestyle, Discover University, and For Rent.
Sim Is Charged Exorbitant Rent
If your Sim is getting hit with an outrageously high rent, way beyond what their household funds can handle, you’re not the only one.
The rent should align with the agreed-upon terms, not breaking the bank for your Sim. Unfortunately, some Simmers got slapped with a rent in the billions of Simoleons.

Tenant Revolt Unsolved
Tenant revolts appear to be an unresolvable issue for many landlords. The task, which should be checked off after the landlord agrees to offer better conditions to tenants, stubbornly remains unchecked, no matter how many attempts are made.
Strangely, the outcome doesn’t seem to be impacted. After the event ends, unit ratings unexpectedly improve without any actual fixes.
That’s all for the bugs affecting For Rent at the moment. I’ll update this report as soon as new bugs surface.
If you’ve come across any other issues, feel free to let me know in the comments below.
My rental has 5 units. 4 units for rent and 1 for the owner. In manage worlds I see that there are 4 units (all 4 stars) available, but the landlord can only see one unit (4 stars) in her panel to rent out…
How can I fix this? I tried to add a tenant via manage worlds. But then the tenant doesn’t pop up in the panel of the landlord…