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How to Play Valorant in Stretched Resolution

valorant play stretched resolution

Playing the game in stretched resolution can be a popular choice among players, offering advantages such as increased visibility and improved aim. Let’s explore how you can optimize your Valorant gameplay with stretched resolution.

Can I Play Valorant in Stretched Resolution?

You cannot play Valorant in stretched resolution natively. The game supports only the 16:9 ratio. There is no in-game option to play with a 4:3 aspect ratio.

But if there is no built-in option to play Valorant stretched, this does not mean you can’t use a workaround to play as you want.

Play Valorant in Stretched Resolution on NVIDIA GPUs

  1. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel
  2. Go to Manage 3D Settings
  3. Disable DSR Factors
  4. Go to Adjust Desktop Size and Resolution
  5. Select Full Screen
  6. Tick the box Override the scaling mode set by games and programs
  7. Select a stretched resolution from the drop-down menu
  8. Apply the settings.
  9. Launch Valorant, go to Settings and select Video
  10. Select the resolution you want to use

Alternatively, you can create a new stretched resolution.

Go to your NVIDIA Control Panel, click on Change Resolution, and select Customize. Click on Create Custom Resolution, and enter your custom resolution settings.

Play Valorant in Stretched Resolution on AMD GPUs

  1. Launch AMD Radeon Software
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Select the Display tab
  4. Under Custom Resolutions, select Create New
  5. Set the resolution settings you want to use
  6. Hit the Create button and launch Valorant
  7. Go to Settings and select Video
  8. Select the resolution you want to use

Next time you start your Valorant game, you’ll be able to play the game using a stretched resolution.

Some popular stretched resolution examples for a 1080p monitor are 1280×960, 1440×1080, and 1600×900.

As you can see, playing 4:3 in Valorant is possible by tweaking directly your GPU settings. But it won’t give you the same advantage as in CS or Fortnite.

Should I play Valorant in stretched resolution?

Whether or not to play Valorant in stretched resolution is a personal preference. Stretched resolution can have certain advantages and drawbacks that may impact your gameplay experience.

Many die-hard CS: GO players swear the 4:3 aspect ratio or stretched resolution gives you an important advantage. More specifically, the target appears a bit larger making it a bit easier for you to take good aim.

On the other hand, other players are convinced that using stretched resolution settings won’t make much of a difference.

They say that using a stretched resolution to make your target take up more pixels works only in theory. They prefer to rely on the skills they developed over years of gaming instead.

Stretched resolutions caused quite a stir among Fortnite players as well. So much so that Epic Games completely removed the option and prohibited players from using it in competitive matches.

Riot Games says “No” to stretched resolution in Valorant

Right from the very beginning, Riot Games clearly stated they’re against using a 4:3 aspect ratio in Valorant.

They even went as far as prohibiting playing with a stretched screen.

Aspect Ratio: Use whatever you’re comfortable with. If you’re going to use 4:3, I would recommend NOT stretching if you’re practicing for Valorant (I know this will be a topic of discussion, and it will be a later conversation I’d like to have with you all).

As you can see Riot Games are well aware players don’t like this decision, but they’re willing to stand their ground.

Riot decided to prevent gamers from using stretched resolution in order to keep the game balanced and eliminate the possibility of getting an advantage by changing resolution.

Speaking about keeping the game balanced, Riot confirms that all the Agents will rely on identical hitboxes. This is another element that guarantees Valorant will be a fair game for all.

By the way, if you’re having trouble playing Valorant full-screen, check your graphics settings, and get the latest GPU driver updates.

Updated: June 2023.


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