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Darwin Project: How to get The Hook

darwin project get the hook

The Hook is a useful tool that Darwin Project players can use to pull enemies to them. Think of it as some sort of harpoon. Once pulled, your enemies stand no change and you can deliver the final blow.

How can I unlock the Hook in Darwin Project? In order to earn the Hook, players need to complete the tutorial quests for the game. Once the last task is done, the Hook will be visible in the list of tools. To start the tutorial, go to the main menu and navigate to the Rehab tasks.

Players will be given a number of 6 tasks in total that are aimed at helping you understand the main game mechanics.

As you can see, completing the tutorial gives you the opportunity to earn a special tool that can often get you out of trouble.

How the Hook works

The Hook uses your crosshair to target other inmates, stun and them pull them to you. This is a powerful tool as it can pull other inmates through walls and other obstacles, including cage traps.

You can use the Hook to loot deer or dead bodies located in an area that’s hard to reach. If getting there involves too many risks for your character’s health, then it’s best to use this tool. For example, you can use the Hook to loot deer and dead bodies floating on lava — should the Director decide to use the Lava Floor power.

In this manner, you can stay safe on higher ground but still take advantage of the situation and gather as many resources as possible.

Upgrading your list of tools is crucial if you want to stay alive. Make sure to grab as many tools as possible as you never know when you might need them.

Is there a special tool in Darwin Project that you favor using? Let me know in the comments below.

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