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What you need to know about Darwin Project’s Show Director

darwin project show director powers

Darwin Project is a very interesting battle royale game that introduces a series of new concepts to the genre. Perhaps the most intriguing character is the Show Director, an innovative role for this genre.

The most interesting part about the Show Director is that they can use a plethora of super powers to influence the gameplay, just as the name suggests.

How to become a Show Director

In order to become a Show Director in Darwin Project, players need to reach level 5. If you’re in a multiplayer match, you need to wait until your turn comes to play this role. On the other hand, if you’re in a private game, you can simply launch a new match and invite your friends to join you.

What does the Show Director do

The Show Director can navigate across the map as a drone thus having a bird’s eye view of the gameplay. The other players can’t damage the drone.

Since the Director can see everything that is going on on the map, they can share important information with other players.

The Show Director possesses a series of interesting powers but they can only use them after acquiring a series of Action Points.

Show Director Powers

  1. Beach Party: Absolutely all the resources on the map become visible. The resources gained (wood, leather, and those from chests)double.
  2. Blood Moon: Once enabled, this feature lets inmate see each other through walls.
  3. Close Zone: This ability allows the Director to close the zone for 60 seconds forcing inmates to go to the same hex thus speeding up encounters and fights.
  4. Crowd Favorite: Twitch and Mixer viewers can vote their favorite player. The Director can take this information into account when deciding to intervene in the gameplay.
  5. Electro-Mania: This ability activates all the electronics on the map.
  6. Electronic: Drop electronics on pre-determined locations on the map for inmates to find and use them.
  7. Expose: Reveal the location of inmates to each other and then watch how the manhunt unfolds.
  8. Give Wood: Give various resources to inmates, such as: wood, leather and more so that they may use them to craft tools.
  9. Gravity Storm: Temporarily modify the game’s mechanics by summoning gravity storms to reduce gravity and allow inmates to move faster.
  10. Heal: Heal injured players for 300 damage. Don’t use this ability in an active fight. The heal takes one second to administer and if the inmate you’re trying heal gets injured during this time, the healing stops.
  11. Invincibility: Make inmates invincible for 10 seconds.
  12. Lava Floor: This ability lets the Director flood a Tile with lava for 10 seconds forcing inmates to look for higher ground as to do avoid death.
  13. Manhunt: The Director can reveal the location and other information about a targeted inmate (name, health, etc.) to all the other players for 2 minutes. This will launch a manhunt which will reward the target (if they survive) or the killer if the manhunt is successful.
  14. Nuke: Drop a nuclear bomb and kill all the inmates in the area. That’s why you need to develop your character’s social skills. You want them to become friends with the Director as quickly as possible.
  15. Open Zone: This opens a zone previously closed.
  16. Small Heal: Offers the targeted player 150 HP.
  17. Speed Up: Give a stamina boost to targeted inmates to allow them to sprint for a limited time.
  18. Telepathy: When activating the Telepathy feature, the Director lets all inmates hear each other’s thoughts. This is a pretty interesting feature, but I think that revealing players’ location is the one that will wreak havoc on the map.
  19. Vote: The Director can ask the viewers what power to use, where and when. For example, the viewers can decide where the Director will drop the Lava Floor.
  20. Warm up: Increase other players’ warmth levels to save them from freezing up.

Players can use these Director powers as they want or they can ask the public (those watching live gameplay streaming) what powers to use and which inmates to target.

Players will gradually have access to more Director abilities as they earn additional Action Points.

How to be a better Show Director

  • Don’t ruin the fun for the other players: don’t reveal the location of the inmates on the open mic and don’t give away any tactics.
  • Don’t kill players just because you can and they can’t harm you. Don’t use close zones and nukes too often.
  • Engage the viewers, ask them to vote and do what they say to please them.

If there are any Director powers that I forgot to add to this list, let me know in the comments below. Enjoy the game.

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