One of the things that really annoy me when playing The Sims 4 is seeing my Sims going into the bathroom to do the dishes.
They have a fully functional kitchen sink, yet they prefer to use the bathroom sink to clean the dishes.
Even if you have a dishwasher, your Sims will often ignore it and head straight for the bathroom to do the dishes.
So, why do Sims do the dishes in the bathroom?
Sims will go to the closest sink to do the dishes. If the bathroom sink is nearer than the kitchen sink, they’ll route to the bathroom to do the dishes.
If the path to the kitchen sink or the dishwasher is blocked, Sims will automatically use the bathroom sink to clean up the plates.
Keep this detail in mind when building.
By the way, if your Sims won’t do the dishes, make sure the sink or dishwasher is in a convenient spot.
How to prevent Sims from doing the dishes in the bathroom
To prevent your Sims from using the bathroom sink to do the dishes, place the bathroom diametrically opposed to the kitchen.
Place the dining table in the kitchen. After eating all the food, your Sims will go to the nearest sink to do the dishes. And that’s gonna be the kitchen sink.
Make sure to place a trash can in the kitchen.
If your Sim is done eating but there’s food left on their plate, they’ll to the nearest trashcan to clean the plates. If the trashcan is near the bathroom, they’ll use the bathroom sink to do the dishes.
Again, this is because Sims will go to the nearest sink to do the dishes.
If the kitchen shares a wall with the bathroom, chances are your Sims will keep using the bathroom sink to clean the plates.
Unfortunately, there’s no option to tell Sims to prioritize kitchen sinks over bathroom sinks.
The devs could easily add a feature similar to the “Assign bed to” function but it seems that’s not on their list of priorities.
Until such a function is added, your Sims may occasionally walk all the way upstairs to do the dishes.
When that happens, take a deep breath in and focus on the next task.
Happy Simming!