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The Sims 4: Here’s how Infant Quirks work


The Sims 4 Growing Together expansion pack brings a plethora of new infant interactions to the table.

One of the most interesting gameplay mechanics is the ability to change an infant’s behavior through Infact Quirks.

Each infant can have three Quirks that will influence their behavior. This means that each infant in the household will be unique.

How do Infant Quirks work in The Sims 4?

No two newborns will be the same in The Sims 4. Some will be a bit needier, some clingier, while others won’t require that much attention.

Every infant has three different quirks that influence their personality.

For example, if an infant has the Loves Being Held quirk, they’ll get the Happy buff when someone’s holding them in their arms.

They’ll get angry when you put them down.


Some quirks are completely harmless while others will change the way you think about your Sims.

How can I edit Infant Quirks in The Sims 4?

There’s a new pack cheat for Growing Together that lets you edit infant and toddler quirks.

Click on one of your Sims, select the Pack Cheats option, and click on Expansion Packs. Then, select EP13: Growing Together.

If you click on Infant Quirks, two options will pop up on the screen: Remove Quirk or Add Discoverable Quirk.


If you like unpredictable things, keep playing The Sims 4 and let the game surprise you.

As your infants and toddlers do things related to their specific quirks, you’ll get a notification that confirms they have those quirks.

List of Infant Quirks in The Sims 4

There’s a total of 18 discoverable Infant Quirks in The Sims 4 Growing Together pack:

  1. Early Riser
  2. Free-Air Tinkler
  3. Frequently Hiccups
  4. Feeding Tinkler
  5. Gassy
  6. Good Appetite
  7. Loves Being Held
  8. Happy Spitter
  9. Hates Wakeup Time
  10. Messy Eater
  11. Self-soother
  12. Snuggly Sleeper

Early Riser

Infants with the Early Rise quirk will wake up early in the morning. They’re up when the first Sun rays touch the windows of your house.

Their parents have no choice but to wake up with them and care for their needs.

Hates Wakeup Time

By contrast, if your infant has the Hates Wakeup Time quirk, you’ll have a hard time getting them out of their crib in the morning.

Frequently Hiccups

Hiccups are harmless and usually occur after feeding. Infants with the Frequently Hiccups quirk will often hiccup after feeding.

Set the upright, rub them on the back and they should be fine.


The digestive system of an infant is immature. It produces a lot of gas which will make adult Sims feel a bit Uncomfortable.

Good Appetite

Infants with the Good Appetite quirk need to be fed more frequently than other infants. They eat a lot.

Feeding sessions make them very Happy.

Happy Spitter

As its name suggests, the Happy Spitter quirk makes infants spit a lot. If adult Sims are not careful, they may get baby spit on them.

Messy Eater


Infants don’t have fine motor skills. They’ll get really messy when eating.

Some parents let their infants get messy while eating, while others disapprove of this behavior.


Infants with the Self-Soother quirk can soothe and calm themselves they’re anxious or distressed. They don’t necessarily need adult intervention to cope with negative emotions.

Snuggly Sleeper

Infants with the Snuggly Sleeper quirk tend to use inanimate objects to get comfortable and cozy when sleeping in their cribs.

They may have a favorite toy they like to keep in the crib.

As a quick reminder, Growing Together adds 18 Toddler Quirks too.


Note: This list of Infant Quirks is not exhaustive. More quirks will be added when Growing Together gets released.

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