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Why Does My Dog Have Hearts in The Sims 4?


In The Sims 4, when a dog has hearts floating above its head, it indicates that the dog is in heat and ready to mate. During this period, the dog may sit and howl with hearts swirling around them.

This indicates they are distracted and may not be able to concentrate on any training or other commands.

Pets in The Sims 4 do not mate on their own without a command from the player.

However, when two dogs or cats get along well, the option “Encourage mating with” will eventually appear, allowing players to initiate the mating process.

Dogs in The Sims 4 can give birth to puppies if they mate. Puppies are small, less capable versions of adult dogs and require more care.

They grow up into adult dogs after a few Sim days.

Here’s How Dog Genetics Work in The Sims 4

There is no gene mixing for dogs in The Sims 4. When two dogs breed, their puppies inherit traits from one parent or the other.

This includes physical traits like size, shape, coat color, and pattern.

Custom coats do not blend with other painted coats or preset designs. Rather, the game alternates between the two distinct coats.

The female offspring often get the mom’s patterns while the males get the dad’s.

The number of puppies born in a litter can vary, adding to the unpredictability.

Dogs in The Sims 4

Dogs can interact with Sims and other pets in The Sims 4. They can play fetch, go for walks, and engage in other activities that provide fun and bonding opportunities.

Dogs have unique personality traits that affect their behavior and interactions, like being active, lazy, friendly, or aggressive.

They can get sick. Monitor their health and take them to the vet if they fall ill.

Dogs eventually age and pass away, which can be an emotional experience for both Sims and players.

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