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The Sims 4: How to Build a Special Bond with Your Horse


Building a strong connection with your equine friends is essential for a fulfilling and rewarding experience in The Sims 4: Horse Ranch. Let’s see how you do that.

Why Should I Build a Strong Bond with My Horse?

Bonding with your horse is crucial in The Sims: Horse Ranch expansion pack.

The bond or relationship you build with your horse significantly influences their mood, training, and competitive success.

Horses respond better when they have a liking for the Sim they’re interacting or training with.

When horses train with a Sim they like, their skill gain improves. This means their Agility, Jumping skill, and Endurance will increase faster.

How Do I Build a Strong Bond with My Horse in The Sims 4?

To bond with horses in The Sims 4, spend time together through grooming, talking, and petting. Engage in training sessions to improve their skills and hand-feed them fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, take them for rides, attend to their needs, and participate in competitions to strengthen the relationship.

If your horse gets scared easily during thunderstorms, comforting them will help you gain their trust quicker.

Using Friendly interactions with your horse will also build their Temperament skill.

Spend Time Together

Interact with your horse regularly by grooming, talking, and petting them. This helps strengthen the bond between your Sim and the horse.

Take your horse on long rides around the neighborhood or through new locations. Exploring together fosters a deeper connection.

Socialize With Your Horse

Use various social interactions available with your horse. Respond to their moods and try to fix negative feelings to improve your relationship.

Reward your horse with praises and treats when they perform well in training or competitions.

Train Your Horse

Engage in training activities like jumping, agility, and endurance. As your horse improves their skills, the bond with your Sim grows stronger.

Hand-Feed Your Horse

Hand-feed your horse fruits and vegetables from your Sim’s inventory. This not only fills their hunger need but also creates a bonding moment.

Keep Your Horse’s Needs in Check

Ensure your horse’s needs are always in the green. Get rid of manure and don’t forget to clean their hooves from time to time.

A well-cared-for horse will have a better bond with its Sim owner.

Participate in Competitions

Enter your horse in competitions and perform well.

Success in events such as winning Gold in Master Horse Competitions strengthens the bond between your Sim and the horse.

Each Horse Has Their Own Personality

Horses have up to three personality traits that influence their behavior.

As a player, you can choose these traits in CAS. If you buy or adopt a horse, you don’t get to choose what traits your horse has.

Some traits are a lot more challenging to deal with. For example, Fearful and Aggressive horses require much more work than Friendly horses.

On the other hand, horses with positive traits and a good Temperament are friendly and easier to deal with.

Happy Simming!

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