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The Sims 4: Keep bees happy and get high-quality honey

sims 4 bees honey faq answered

If beekeeping is your Sim’s hobby, I guarantee you’ll love this guide. Let’s dive in and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about bees and beekeeping in The Sims 4.

How to get honey in The Sims 4

To get honey in the Sims 4, you need to place a few bee boxes on your lot and populate them with bees. Your Sim will be able to collect honey every 8 hours. The more you wait, the more honey you’ll collect. The honey box gets filled every 24 hours.

Hover over the bee box to check how much honey your bees have produced.

If you’re satisfied with the quantity, collect it.

If you don’t want your Sim to get stung while collecting honey from the bee boxes, put on the beekeeper suit.

⇒ Quick Tip:

  • Here’s a very useful piece of advice: if your bees are irritated, don’t collect any jar of honey. It’s low quality.

How do you get high-quality honey in The Sims 4?

Having a good relationship with your bees increases the quality and value of the honey.

Here’s what you need to do to collect high-quality honey in The Sims 4:

  • Keep a good friendship level with your bees
  • Place the beehives near plants, flowers, and trees
  • Make sure your bees are healthy

Keep a good friendship level with your bees

Bond with your bees as often as possible and interact with them regularly. Don’t collect honey while they’re irritated or angry. You’ll only get low-quality honey.

Place the beehives near plants, flowers, and trees

By placing the beehives near plants, flowers, or trees, your bees don’t have to travel too far away to collect pollen and pollinate flowers.

Make sure your bees are healthy

Apply mite treatment whenever necessary and give them medication when they are ill. Healthy bees will produce high-quality honey.

How do you keep bees calm in The Sims 4?

Keeping your bees calm is a must if you don’t want your Sims to get stung.

Do the following to successfully calm down bees in The Sims 4:

  • Bond with your bees
  • Don’t disturb them when they’re already a bit irritated to avoid getting them really enraged
  • Keep a Crocus Scented Flower close to the bee box
  • Give them medication if they are sick or got mites

Your bees will immediately calm down after you give them medication.

Why are my bees so angry in The Sims 4?

Bees get angry if you neglect them, they haven’t been properly cared for, or there’s a mite infection going on.

Bees will also get angry if your Sim or other Sims disturb them repeatedly.

How do you make bees happy in The Sims 4?

To keep your bees happy, interact with them on a daily basis to keep the friendship meter up. They have this social need to interact with Sims and they’ll gradually become angrier if nobody has paid them a visit in a while.

When you interact with your bees, they’ll get a Recently bonded moodlet that will keep them calm.

Set up a bee interaction schedule, stick to it and your bees will always be calm.

Make sure the bee boxes are clean and your bees are healthy. This will prevent the bee boxes from getting infected with mites which will ruin your bees’ mood.

Putting a radio near the bee boxes and playing classical music also helps to keep the bees calm.

How do you befriend bees in The Sims 4?

You can befriend your bees by interacting with them regularly and making sure they’re in good health. Keep a Crocus-Scented Flower close to the bee box. This will help you to befriend your bees.

Another way to bond with your bees is to simply avoid disturbing them through mean interactions.

As you befriend your bees, progress becomes visible when you hover over the bee box.

⇒ Fun Fact:

Should I sell honey in The Sims 4?

Honey is a key item in your Sim’s inventory and is great for your Sims. Keeping it is a much better decision than selling it.

Your Sims can use honey to remove temperature-related debuffs and improve immunity. Sims get an instant Happy moodlet after eating some tasty honey.

If you bake honey into cakes or add a spoon of honey to your tea, your Sim will instantly get the Focused buff.

The best part is that honey never spoils.

Can you buy honey in The Sims 4?

Sims can buy honey in The Sims 4. Think of this as an investment rather than an expense. Honey is very useful for your Sims. It instantly makes your Sims happy and improves their immune system which means they won’t get ill that often.

Not to mention that you can cook some really tasty recipes using honey.

How do seasons influence bees in The Sims 4?

The current season is going to affect how the bees act in The Sims 4. Bees are extremely active in the summer, pretty active in the spring and fall, and inactive during winter time.

It doesn’t matter if you place the bee boxes outside or inside. The changing of seasons will still affect their behavior.

There you have your answers to some of the most common questions about bees in The Sims 4.

If you’ve got a question that you could not find an answer to yet, leave it in the comments below and I promise to find an answer.

Note: This guide was updated in April 2023 to include additional information.

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