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What do to if bartenders won’t do anything in Sims 4


Bartenders may sometimes refuse to work in The Sims 4. Instead of tending the bar and making drinks, they walk around talking to other Sims. They seem to forget their job is to make drinks and cook quick meals for the clients.

When this issue occurs, another bartender usually spawns and takes over.

But sometimes, the game fails to add a new bartender to replace the one that’s neglecting their duties.

In this case, you’ll need to convince the existing bartender to do their job.

How do I get bartenders to tend the bar in Sims 4?

Chat at the bar


Apparently, bartenders sometimes forget where the bar is. To get them to do their job, walk up to them and start chatting using friendly and funny interactions.

Then, go the bar and click on Chat Here. The bartender should follow your Sim to the bar. They should start tending the bar as soon as they get there.

Reset the problematic bartender

Try resetting the bartender that won’t do their job and check if you notice any changes.

  1. Open the cheat console
    • Press Ctrl, Shift, and C if you’re on PC
    • Press Command, Shift, and C if you’re on Mac
  2. Then, type testingcheats true
  3. Press the Shift key and click on the bartender
  4. Select Reset Object (Debug)

Then, have your Sim call over the bartender but do not interact with them. They should start tending the bar shortly afterward.

Repair your game files and get the latest updates

If the issue persists, try repairing your game files.

Launch Origin, go to your game library, right-click on the Sims 4 and select the Repair option.

Then, restart Origin, and update The Sims 4 to the latest version.


If bartenders won’t tend the bar in The Sims 4, chat with them at the bar to remind them to do their job. If nothing happens, use the Cheat console to reset them. Additionally, repair your game files and install the latest Sims 4 updates.

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