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5 Tested Tips to Improve Aim on PS4 and PS5

improve aim playstation console

Aiming right on your PS4 or PS5 console is not an easy task especially if you’re a beginner, you recently changed sensitivity settings or you only started playing a new game.

As with every new skill, practice makes perfect.

I’ve been a long-time PlayStation gamer but I must admit I was caught by surprise when I played Fortnite for the first time.

Somehow, I was not able to aim as well as I used to — which was a really weird feeling.

Indeed, aiming with a controller is more difficult than aiming with a mouse.

If you’re wondering what methods you can use to improve your PS4 or PS5 aiming, read on. I’ll list all the things I and my friends have done in order to improve our aiming skills.

We tested these methods and I’m presenting you the conclusion in this guide.

How to Aim Better with a PlayStation Controller

Choose the right sensitivity level for you

In most games, you can adjust the sensitivity of the controller. It’s crucial to find the right balance for you.

Too high sensitivity may make your aim shaky, while too low might make your movements too slow.

Low-sensitivity settings allow you to aim better. This is because your character moves slower and you have more time to pre-aim.

High-sensitivity settings allow you your character to move faster and make it harder for your enemies to spot and shoot you. The downside is that aiming becomes much harder to control.

The goal is to start with low-sensitivity settings and then progress to higher settings.

After all, if you want to dominate battle royale or shooting games, you have to play on high-sensitivity settings.

The only problem is that building your skills to aim precisely on high-sensitivity settings takes time.

Be patient and steadily progress to higher sensitivity settings in order to develop your muscle memory.

For example, I personally play Fortnite on 6/6 sensitivity with 1.38 building. This allows me to build reasonably fast and aim with precision.

So, if you want to aim better in Fortnite on your Playstation console, use 6/6 sensitivity with 1.38 for building and you’ll notice the difference.

Use Aim Assist

Many games offer an aim assist option. While it’s good to practice without it, aim assist can help improve your accuracy, especially when starting out.

Aim Assist provides slight adjustments to your crosshair position, helping you to target opponents more precisely.

This is especially useful in console games, where aiming with a controller can be more difficult than with a mouse on a PC.

Learn recoil patterns

For games that include weapon recoil, learn the recoil patterns of commonly used weapons. This knowledge will help you control your aim during sustained fire.

Practice, practice, practice

There are no shortcuts when it comes to improving your PS4 aiming skills. As stated at the beginning of this post, practice makes perfect. So, if you’re not happy with your current aim, start with an easier game.

Playing battle royale games and not being able to aim perfectly can be really frustrating.

So, my piece of advice to you is this: Start with baby steps. And this is a valuable piece of advice, trust me.

Pick a game that’s easier to play, practice aiming for a few days and you’ll improve your skills.

If you don’t have friends to play with, you can train with bots.

Build your own strategy

What worked for others won’t necessarily work for you.

Studying the game maps you’re playing on allows you to better predict where your enemies will pop up from.

Knowing the spots where players usually take hide gives you the upper hand over new players.

Having a clear strategy, such as keeping your sights steady as you advance toward the next corner is a major advantage.

In high-stress situations, it’s easy to get flustered and miss shots. Try to stay calm, take a deep breath, and focus on your aim.

Alright, so this was the strategy I followed to improve my aim on my console. I hope these quick tips will help you to become a better player.

And remember, improving your reaction time and aiming skills takes time. So, be patient and keep practicing.

What strategies have you used for improving your aim on your PlayStation controller? Let me know in the comments below.

By the way, if you want to transfer data from PS4 to PS5, we have a step-by-step guide that will come in handy.

Updated in June 2023.


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