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Ghost of Tsushima: What is honorable and dishonorable?


In the exhilarating universe of Ghost of Tsushima, the fine line between honor and dishonor teeters on the edge of your katana. Are you prepared to dance with these dual elements of the samurai code?

Let’s slice through the captivating dichotomy of honorable and dishonorable actions.

Can you beat Ghost of Tsushima without being dishonorable?

You can indeed beat Ghost of Tsushima without being dishonorable. While the game encourages stealth and underhanded tactics in certain situations, you can play focusing on more honorable samurai combat.

This involves facing your enemies head-on, challenging them directly, and avoiding stealth kills or backstabs.

However, the game’s narrative will push you towards certain dishonorable actions as part of the storyline.

You can’t avoid these gray or downright ugly areas.

Honorable vs dishonorable combat in Ghost of Tsushima

It doesn’t matter if you’re honorable or dishonorable in Ghost of Tsushima. You are not penalized in the story for being dishonorable.

Unlike some games like Red Dead Redemption 2, Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t judge your actions. Whether you play like a noble samurai or a sneaky ghost, the storyline remains unchanged.

Your choices of being honorable or dishonorable don’t affect the game’s outcome.

As the game progresses, honorable tactics seem to grow harder, subtly nudging you toward the dishonorable Ghost skills.

There’s a certain irony in this design choice.

Despite the game seemingly chastising you for adopting stealth and assassinations, the growing difficulty of confrontations almost forces you to embrace these strategies.

Ghost of Tsushima expects, and perhaps even wants, you to become the Ghost.

After all, it’s right there in the title. Jin’s journey is all about the sacrifices he must make along the way.

For some gamers, this rigid narrative structure could be seen as a disappointment.

What happens if you don’t assassinate anyone in Ghost of Tsushima?

If you decide not to assassinate anyone in Ghost of Tsushima, you can still progress through the game. However, the difficulty of certain missions designed with stealth in mind will increase.

There are key moments in the game where assassinations are scripted and unavoidable due to the game’s plot. This emphasizes Jin’s struggle between his Samurai honor and the necessity to adapt against overwhelming odds.

These actions are critical to the storyline and will occur regardless of your play style.

How do you get the honorable ending in Ghost of Tsushima?

To get the honorable ending in Ghost of Tsushima, you need to choose to honor Lord Shimura’s wish in the final confrontation. Namely, you agree to kill Shimura to grant him an honorable death.

Should I kill or spare Lord Shimura in Ghost of Tsushima?

The decision to kill or spare Lord Shimura at the end of Ghost of Tsushima is entirely up to you. It largely depends on how you’ve interpreted Jin’s journey throughout the game.

Both choices offer powerful, yet different, emotional resolutions.

If you kill Lord Shimura and give him an honorable death, this brings the story full circle and respects the samurai code.

However, this is an emotionally heavy choice as you’re killing your mentor and father figure.

If you spare Lord Shimura you’re letting him live but dishonoring his wish. It can be seen as a definitive break from the samurai code and a complete embrace of Jin’s new identity as the Ghost.

Many players cannot kill Lord Shimura. Killing the man who took Jin and trained him and took care of him after his parents’ death is too much for them.

What happens if you never use stealth in Ghost of Tsushima?

Choosing not to use stealth in Ghost of Tsushima doesn’t change the game’s storyline. From a gameplay perspective, bypassing stealth can make the game much more challenging.

Without stealth, you’re more likely to alert guards, causing them to summon reinforcements and increase the intensity of your battles.

Some missions, specifically designed with stealth in mind, may also prove to be more difficult.

Be prepared for heightened combat and larger waves of enemies.


To sum it up, while you can attempt to beat Ghost of Tsushima using predominantly honorable tactics, the game’s design and narrative direction push you to embrace your inner Ghost.

It’s a testament to the complex exploration of morality and honor that makes Ghost of Tsushima such a compelling game.

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