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Fortnite: How high can you build?

fortnite building height

In Fortnite, building is an essential skill and one of the main gameplay elements. Players need to first get their hands on the building materials in order to start creating structures. This is done by harvesting, destroying other objects and, of course, killing opponents.

How many floors can you build in Fortnite? The max height you can build in Fortnite is 40 levels. However, building to such heights is counter-productive as this take a lot of time and the advantages it brings are not worth it compared to the effort required.

Are there any advantages to going so high?

The short answer is not really. The whole view from a 40 level height is pretty weird. Of course, climbing so high is a lot of fun but it’s not practical. First of all, you need to have a scope in order to be able to shoot your enemies. If you fall from that height, you’re dead. Of course, the risk of getting shot is a lot lower but so are the chances of finding useful resources.

⇒ TIP: Building in Fortnite has a steep learning curve. So, if you’re new to the game, don’t make building as high as possible your main objective.

Focus on resources, upgrade your equipment and stay alert, don’t let your guard down as you might bitterly regret that later.

There’s another disadvantage to building tall structures in Fortnite. Your constructions can be spotted from very far and other players will know you’re there. After you invested so much time, energy and resources into building a tall tower, you’re tempted to stay there. And this can easily turn you into a sitting duck allowing your enemies to sneak past you.

You can win games without building the tallest structure on the map.

Over to you now: What’s the tallest structure you’ve ever built in Fornite?


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