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Elden Ring: Not enough Stonesword Keys


When you try to use a Stonesword Key on the Imp Statue at the Roundtable Hold, you may get a message that says you don’t enough keys. Let’s discuss what you can do about that. Let’s jump right in and explore the role of  Stonesword Keys in the game.

Why does Elden Ring say I don’t have enough Stonesword Keys?

Elden Ring says you don’t have enough Stonesword Keys when you need more than one key to open a door or passage. For example, the second Imp Statue at the Roundtable Hold takes two keys to open. If you only have one in your inventory, an alert will pop up saying you don’t have enough keys.

You can tell how many keys a particular door or statue wants by how many imps are on it. Some are stacked on top of each other.

Keep in mind that the key will be in the Imp Statue for ever, even if you die.

Who sells Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring?

You can buy Stonesword Keys from Patches after the sets up his shop in Markwater Cave in Limgrave, the Two Maiden Husks at the Rountable Hold and the Nomadic Merchant. You can encounter the Nomadic Marchant at the following locations:

  • Weeping Peninsula. Price: 2,000 Runes for each key.
  • Caelid. Price: 4,000 Runes for each key.
  • Mt. Gelmir. Price: 5,000 Runes for each key.
  • Mountaintops of the Giants. Price: 5,000 Runes for each key.
  • Siofra River. Price: 2,000 Runes for each key.

You can buy only one Stonesword Key for 5,000 Runes from Patches. You can buy three Stonesword Keys for 4,000 Runes each from the Two Maiden Husks.

How to get Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring?

There are two main ways to get Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring: you can find them scattered all over the map and loot them off chests and corpses or buy them from Patches, the Two Maiden Husks or the Nomadic Marchant.

There are enough Stonesword Keys in Elden Ring. You can find these keys all over the place if you’re careful about exploring.

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