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Why Does Everyone Look Dead in Elden Ring? [Answered]


In Elden Ring, everyone appears undead because they can’t truly die anymore. The Elden Ring no longer contains the Rune of Death, making death impossible.

The game’s lore is straightforward: the Elden Ring’s destruction disrupts the natural cycle of life and death, preventing souls from moving on to the afterlife.

The shattering of the Elden Ring condemned souls to an eternal limbo, unable to transition to the afterlife as intended.

Moreover, the game’s world is plagued by curses and other supernatural forces, which warp and torment its inhabitants, resulting in their eerie and unsettling appearances.

These unsettling visuals aren’t just for show. They have a practical impact on gameplay, reminding players of the world’s unpredictability, and urging caution and preparedness.

Developers use these visuals to evoke emotions, such as fear and curiosity, enhancing the game’s immersive dark and mysterious atmosphere.

Why is everybody a zombie in Elden Ring?

In Elden Ring, many characters and creatures are zombies because the Rune of Death got removed from the Elden Ring, so nothing can really die.

Souls are trapped in an endless cycle of rebirth, while the cursed world further distorts the inhabitants, except for the Tarnished who’ve ventured outside the Lands Between.

And now you know.

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