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Animal Crossing FAQ: What flowers attract butterflies?

flowers butterfly animal crossing

Butterflies are collectible items in Animal Crossing. Just grab a net, stay alert and catch as many as you can. If you’re lucky and you catch a rare type of butterfly, you’ll earn a bigger reward.

If you want to catch more butterflies or catch specific butterflies, you need to know where and when to find them. In this guide, we’ll take a look at what flowers attract butterflies.

What flowers attract Emperor butterflies in Animal Crossing?

An Emperor butterfly sells for 4000 bells. You can catch it from December to March between 5 PM to 8 AM. This bug returns from June to September and is active between 5 PM to 8 AM.

Emperor butterflies are not attracted by any specific flowers. But if you see some flowers near a small pond or lake, chances are you might find an Emperor butterfly there.

This bug can be found near water bodies and catching it is really easy. Get your net ready, approach it and press A. Once you spotted one, it’s almost yours. This bug cannot really get away.

What flowers attract Peacock butterflies in Animal Crossing?

The peacock butterfly is attracted only to blue, black, or purple flowers. They particularly like hybrid flowers.

This is an uncommon bug that can be sold for 2,500 Bells. Peacock Butterflies appear in your region from March to the end of June and are active between 4 AM to 7 PM.

What flowers attract other types of butterflies?

  • Tiger butterflies are likely to be found wherever there are orange trees or red flowers.
  • Agrias butterflies can be seen flying near any types of flowers. There are no specific flowers they are attracted to. If you still haven’t caught one in your net, try planting more flower seeds.
  • Rajah Brooke’s birdwing butterflies can be found near pink flowers.
  • Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterflies usually appear around the canopy of tress. They particularly like oak trees.
  • The purple butterfly also known as The Great Purple Emperor can often be found near trees during rain.
  • The Yellow butterfly is a common bug and can be found anywhere near flowers. It is not available during rain.
  • Monarch butterfly can be caught near any flowers.

And now you know. Good luck with your butterfly collection!

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