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Animal Crossing: How Long do Meteor Showers Last?

How Long do Meteor Showers Last

Meteor Showers are important events in Animal Crossing allowing players to collect Star Fragments.  Gathering Star Fragments is not an easy task, you need to be outside right when the meteor shower is at its thickest, especially if you want to make a wish.

For that, you need to know when a meteor shower will take place and how long it will last. And that’s exactly the focus of this article.

Celeste is Blathers’ sister, and she can tell you when a meteor shower will take place. Moreover, she can also give you handy recipes related to items that use Star Fragments.

When do meteor showers occur in Animal Crossing?

Meteor showers do not occur every night but when they do appear, they last for several hours between 7 PM and 4 AM. The duration of the meteor shower varies. Some events can last for 2 hours while others can last for 5 to 7 hours. Meteor showers often come in waves, with lulls in between.

Pay attention to the morning announcements on your island. If there’s going to be a meteor shower, you’ll get a heads up and you’ll know when it’s going to happen. The best approach is to talk to your villagers daily to learn the latest news.

What to do during meteor showers

Keep in mind the shooting stars will cross the skies only on clear nights. To get ready, go to a place that has a clear view of the sky, tilt the right joystick up to get a nice view of the sky, and wait for the meteor shower to start.

When you heard the glistening sound and noticed the first shooting star, press A to make a wish.

Repeat this action to make multiple wishes. The more wishes you make, the more meteor fragments you’ll find washed up on the shore the next morning.

Collect as many star fragments as possible, they’re rare crafting materials that you can use to create various objects, such as magic wands, lamps, arrows, and more. Gather all the stars you can find, from regular star fragments to large star fragments — which are even rarer.

The good news is that you can get quite a lot of star fragments from one meteor shower. That’s a good thing since these events don’t occur very often.

Invite your friends over

If you’re sure a meteor shower will take place, invite your friends to your island and watch the shooting stars together. Your friends will also find star fragments on the beaches of their islands the next morning.

Make sure your friends arrive before the meteor shower starts. If they randomly show up during the shower, this will cause various game lag and delay issues. Make sure you coordinate the whole action.

Wait for Celeste

meet celeste animal crossing

Now that you collected the star fragments, it’s time to wait for Celeste to show up and give you useful recipes to use the fragments.

When does Celeste show up in Animal Crossing?

Celeste shows up in the evenings when the sky is clear and a meteor shower is expected. Some players may meet her just a few days after a meteor shower, while others after a few weeks.

Talk to her about stars and constellations. She’ll give you one recipe per visit.

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