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The Sims 4 Horse Ranch: How to Adopt Rescue Horses


To adopt or rescue a horse in The Sims 4 Horse Ranch, click on one of the Community Boards and select Call Ranch Animal Exchange.

Then, select the option to adopt or rescue a horse. Pay the $250 Rescue Fee and you can bring the horse to your ranch.

You can also click on the local equestrian center to access the “Rescue Horse” option.

You can rescue adult horses, elder horses, as well as foals.

Before you adopt or rescue a horse, make sure you have enough money to pay the Rescue Fee. Otherwise, you can’t use this interaction.

Due to the environment they came from, rescue horses will have two or three difficult traits.

They’re typically needy, defiant, fearful, or aggressive.

Some extra attention and care are needed.

With enough love, attention, and care, you can turn these needy, defiant, fearful, or aggressive horses into your best friends.

Why Rescue a Horse in The Sims 4?

Rescuing horses is an opportunity to give a loving home to these beautiful creatures in need.

Rescue horses come from challenging backgrounds, which often reflects in their traits.

If you’re up for a challenge, you can invest extra attention and care to help them overcome their past and thrive in their new home.

With time, patience, and lots of love, you can turn these once-troubled horses into your most loyal and trusted companions.

It’s a heartwarming journey that allows you to forge a deep bond with your rescue horses.

⇒ Quick Tip:

You can also acquire adorable Mini Goats and Mini Sheep using the Call Ranch Animal Exchange menu on the Community Boards.

They will definitely more variety and charm to your ranch.

Happy Simming!

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