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Forspoken: Cuff is helpful but has hidden intentions


Cuff is Frey’s talking bracelet. This sentient bracelet helps her navigate the world of Athia.

He gives her additional information about the places she visits and the persons she encounters in her quest to return to Earth.

He possesses the ability to scan enemies and identify their strengths and weaknesses. He also warns you about incoming monster attacks and treasures waiting to be uncovered.

Think of Cuff as Frey’s radar and compass.

As a matter of fact, she has access to Magic thanks to him.

Cuff is also her main ally during combat. He can take hits in her place buying her time to counterattack. Cuff automatically activates a magic shield that protects Frey from incoming attacks.

Unfortunately, the shield doesn’t last forever. It can break which means Frey will take direct damage and her health bar will be affected.

Cuff was once a living being

Cuff admits he was once a person that was turned into a bracelet by the Tantas. However, he forgets to mention they turned him into an inanimate object for a reason.

Cuff’s betrayal

Cuff informs Frey about how dangerous the Tantas are. He suggests that if she wants to help Athia get rid of evil, she needs to slay the Tantas.

After Frey weakens the Tantas, Cuff manages to free himself from his bracelet form.

That’s when he shows his true colors and appears as the demon Susurrus.

Many centuries ago, Athia waged a fierce war against Rheddig, an evil spirit. They were victorious, but Rheddig decided to send Susurrus, his most dangerous demon to Athia.

The Tantas defeated Susurrus and decided to imprison him dividing his power into four bracelets that each one of them would wear.

Unfortunately, Susurrus was able to affect their minds and lead them into insanity. He turned the Tantas against the population of Athia.

Tanta Cinta, Frey’s mother sent her to Earth in an attempt to protect her daughter from Susurrus. But her bracelet detached and traveled to Earth through the portal.

Once Frey came of age, Cuff lured her and transported her to Athia. Through deceit, he used her to destroy the Tantas.

How to silence Cuff in Forspoken

Cuff comments on pretty much anything you do in the game. If this behavior becomes too annoying, you can make him shut up.

To silence Cuff in Forspoken, go to the Settings Menu, and select Accessibility Settings. Set Cuff’s Chat Frequency settings to the minimum.

Enjoy the game!


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